Manual - Formech 450DT V1.0 - 0317
The baseboard can be made from either MDF or aluminium
and needs to be 6.00mm (1/4”) thick. The vacuum hole
can be 19.00 – 20.00mm (3/4”) diameter and needs to be
positioned 23mm forward of the centre of the table.
The baseboard has to be 4mm shorter in both directions
than the forming aperture of the machine e.g. forming
aperture = 280mm x 430mm > baseboard size = 276mm x
426mm (16.77”)
276mm (10.86”)
115mm (4.52”)
R2mm radius
R10mm (0.39”)
Make board dimensions 4mm (0.15”) less than
the full aperture size front to back and left to right
If necessary, the MDF baseboard
can be screwed down to the table
with self tapping screws in the corners
300XQ standard base board
R2mm (0.078”) radius on top edge
all round to top MDF from flaking
450DT Standard Baseboard
426mm (16.77”)
276mm (10.87”)
Make board 4mm ( 0.15”) smaller
than reducing window aperture front
to back and left to right
115mm (4.52”)
8mm (5/16)
213mm (8.38”)
1mm (0.04”) mild steel
Attach MDF board to steel plate with screws
or strips of high bonding double sided tape
If necessary, the steel plate
can be screwed down to the
table with four self tapping
screws in the corners
300XQ reducing window base board
R2mm (0.078”) radius on top edge all
round to stop MDF from flaking
450DT Reducing Window Baseboard