When you select:
You can:
Similar Music
Play music similar to what is currently playing
from the USB port. The system uses the
metadata information of each song to compile
a playlist for you.
Press OK to select. The system creates a new
list of similar songs and begins playing. The
metadata tags must be populated for this
feature to include each track.
With certain playing devices, if your
metadata tags are not populated, the tracks
won’t be available in voice recognition, play
menu or similar music. However, if you place
these tracks onto your playing device in “Mass
Storage Device Mode”, they are available in
voice recognition, play menu browsing and
similar music. Unknowns are placed into any
unpopulated metadata tag.
Exit the current menu.
System Settings
System settings provide access to your Bluetooth Devices and
Advanced menu features.
The Bluetooth Devices menu allows you to add, connect and delete a
device as turn the Bluetooth feature on and off.
Your Advanced menu allows you to access and set prompts, languages,
defaults and perform a master reset.
2015 Econoline
Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing, December 2014