6.0 Warranty registration
Your system is supplied with a standard 2 year warranty.
To extend your warranty you are required to complete this warranty registration form and email, fax or post it to Airstream along with a copy
of your invoice. For terms and conditions please see Airstream’s warranty policy at www.air
iZone System ID number (if applicable):
Full Name:
Installa on Company:
Address where the system is installed:
Date of purchase:
Contact Phone number including area code:
Email address :
Proof of Purchase a ached:
Yes / No
Post, fax or email your registra on to :
Airstream Components
9 Geelong Court, Bibra Lake,
WA 6163
Fax: 08 9494 1346
Email: [email protected]
If you have more than one iZone system, please include addi onal registra on forms.