5.17 iZone Naked 410 remote
Press to toggle the maximum airflow in the current zone
Flashing red indicates this zone is faulty
Press here to change the system mode. When pressed the
system setpoint temperature and fan speed will also be
Press the enter bu on to transmit your changes. If the enter
bu on is not pressed the changes will be sent a er approximately
10 seconds
Solid red indicates this zone is currently closed
Press here to toggle through the zones or use the up down arrows
If two LED’s are illuminated the seGng is In the
middle (29
C or 95%)
Press to open the current zone
Press to close the current zone
Solid green indicates this zone is currently
Solid blue indicates this zone is currently in
climate control mode.
Indicates maximum air flow that the zone has
been set to
Pair bu on only to be used for configura on
Press here turn the system on or off.
All connected zones will display red if the system is off. If the
system is currently on all connected zones will display green.
Press Mode or Fan then the up / down bu ons to change the
system setpoint temperature. (only applicable in running on RA)
Press Zone then the up / down bu ons to change the zone
Press Air% then the up / down bu ons to change the maximum air
flow percentage in the selected zone
Press here to toggle the system fan speed. When pressed the
system setpoint temperature and mode will also be displayed
Press to set the current zone to climate control. (Only applicable
if a zone sensor has been installed and set up.) A er seGng to
Climate control you can adjust the zone setpoint temperature by
using the up down arrows or just toggle the climate bu on.
Indicates setpoint temperature for AC unit or
for zone
Indicates fan speed is currently medium.
Indicates the mode is currently set to hea ng. Press the
Mode bu on to change the mode