Instruction manual HT119
Date : August 2007
Documentrev. : 4
Page : 13 / 15
Reinstall the anvil holder assembly onto the hand tool and tighten the attaching cap screw.
Crimp a terminal to the proper size wire and check the wire barrel crimp height of the
crimped terminal. If crimp height is not as specified, remove the anvil holder assembly and
turn the adjusting collar an additional 5 degrees. Then reinstall the anvil holder assembly
and again check the crimp height. Continue adjusting the crimp height in this manner until
the proper crimp height is achieved.
Remove the anvil holder assembly and tighten the setscrew clockwise in the adjustable tool
holder. Then reinstall the anvil holder assembly and tighten the attaching cap screw.
6.1 Spare Parts
These are parts that Föhrenbach Application Tooling considers practical for the user to stock for
replacement. Recommended spare parts for the hand tool are specified in bold type in the parts
list for Figure 13.
6.2 Parts Ordering Information
To obtain replacement parts, contact Föhrenbach Application Tooling.
6.3 Hand Tool Repair Policy
Föhrenbach Application Tooling charges a standard rate to repair any hand tool not under
warranty. Föhrenbach Application Tooling will repair the hand tool and return it to you by the
fastest means possible.