1. Connect the
wing lighting wires
and the
aileron servo
to the lighting aileron and fl ap wiring harnesses
coming from the receiver.
2. Turn on the transmitter and install and connect the
battery. Then install and secure the hatch.
3. Move the dial or switch on your transmitter that
controls the fl aps to the “up” position, rotating the fl ap
servo arm
. Remove the screw in the fl ap servo
arm, wet the threads with threadlocker, and then reinstall
and tighten the screw so the fl aps will be in their fully
(“up”) position.
4. With the system still on, make sure the ailerons are
centered and aligned with the wing tips. If necessary, apply a
few clicks of aileron trim to get the ailerons centered. If more
than a few clicks of trim are required, or if you cannot get
both ailerons neutralized, a small screwdriver may be used
to pop off one or both
aileron servo covers
to access the
pushrods. Adjust the pushrods in the connectors to get the
ailerons centered. When fi nished, replace the cover, press
into position, and hold in place with tape or a dab of glue.