2. With the battery in place, turn the model upside
down then lift the model with your fi ngertips on
the lines under the wing. Position your fi ngertips
where necessary to get the model to sit level, or
“balance”. If your fi ngertips are on the line, the
Staggerwing is ready to fl y.
3. If the model balances with your fi ngertips
of the lines, weight will have to be added
to the
to get it to balance. Tail weight may be
stuck to the bottom of the fuselage.
4. If the model balances with your fi ngertips
the lines, weight will have to be added to
to get the model to balance. Nose-weight
may be stuck to the fi rewall inside of the cowl.
Stick-on lead weight may be purchased from your
local hobby shop.
Stick on as much weight as required to get the
model to balance when lifted by your fi ngers. If
you added any weight, recheck the balance.
1. Locate the antenna and screw it into the top
of the transmitter.
2. The transmitter that controls your airplane
requires power, in the form of eight “AA” batteries.
To install the batteries, remove the screw from the
battery hatch on the bottom of the transmitter.
3. Install eight new “AA” batteries, following the
diagram on the holder.
4. Reinsert the battery holder in the transmitter
case. Reinstall the battery hatch on the bottom of
the transmitter case and screw it in place.
5. Switch on the transmitter and check the LED
on the front of the transmitter. If the LED is green,
it is safe to fl y. If the red LED is fl ashing, you need
to install fresh batteries.
• Do not use rechargeable (NiMH) batteries.
• Do not mix old and new batteries.
• Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc) or
rechargeable (NiMH) batteries.