This manual will not cover helicopter setup as that is covered in the manual
that is included with some versions of the T6, and is available on the
. The information covered in this manual is for both
versions of the T6, the T6A and T6B.
The T6 is manufactured by FlySky and is rebranded for other retailers. It can
be found under the following brands HobbyKing, Exceed RC, Turborix,
Radiolink, etc...
When you unpack your radio depending which brand you have you will find,
1-Transmitter, 1-Receiver, 1-receiver bind plug, 1-USB cable, and 1-mini CD
containing T6config, a manual, and prolific drivers. The prolific drivers are useless
unless you have Win98 or some other outdated OS. If you have WinXP, Vista, or
Win7 you will need to download drivers
. The first driver listed on the linked
page under “T6 drivers” works with all three operating systems listed in the line
Once you have everything unpacked and fresh AA batteries in your
Transmitter (Tx) insert the CD into your drive and install T6onfig to your
Do not install the prolific drivers
. Download the drivers from the link
above and store them on your computer. Plug the USB cable included with your
radio into a USB port on your computer. Your computer will start looking for
drivers. It will eventually ask you for the location of the driver. Enter the location
where you stored the downloaded drivers on your computer. After Windows has
finished installing the driver it will be necessary to assign a COM port to the USB
cable. To do this you simply go into “Device Manager” on your computer. Look
under “Ports (COM & LTP)” the USB cable should appear as “Silicon
Labsxxxxxxxx”. To assign a specific COM port to the cable right click on the USB
cable and select “properties”. In the properties window click the “Port Settings tab.
Then click the advanced button. In the next window you will see a “COM Port
Number” button. Click that and select a port between 1 and 6, and click “OK”.
You will now get a warning about other devices not working properly if you
choose a port already assigned to another device. Ignore this warning and
continue. After you have completed this step you may now plug the USB cable
into your Tx.