Hz differential data update rate. With its advanced GNSS PPK data processing and
photogrammetry software, the final mapping results are accurate to the
centimeter level. Avoiding the establishment of ground control points can also
save up to half of the time required for the project. Faster data acquisition with a
smaller field crew significantly increases the return on investment of the mission.
Switching cameras in the field is fast and simple.
The FDG30 Mako Shark is not only available with an orthophoto camera for
producing orthophoto maps, but also with optional sensors, such as an oblique
camera for 3D modeling applications, to address the most demanding mapping
and topographic surveys. The load bay design supports a wide range of sensors,
including orthophoto cameras, half-frame and full-frame oblique cameras,
medium-frame cameras, multispectral cameras, or lightweight laser scanners, and
the ability to quickly switch between them.
The application scenarios of the FDG30 Mako Shark UAV system are based on the
application of various large-area topographic surveys (water conservancy,
highways, railways, various scale topographic maps), electric power site selection,
engineering construction / patrolling (roads and bridges) and other private
surveying and mapping industry units and related applications. Applications in
universities and institutions in the field of scientific research.