Precision Process Calibrator
Calibration Adjustment
Calibration Adjustment
The Product features electronic calibration adjustment. There are no mechanical
adjustments. Calibration adjustment is done with the case closed through the serial
communications port that sends and receives commands and readings with a RS232
The adjustment procedure for resistance measure is flexible to allow for the use of fixed
resistors. See Table 3 for the required equipment.
Initiate Communication
Terminal communications can be set up with terminal communication software on a
personal computer (PC). Connect a 9-pin null modem cable to the RS232 connector on
the back of the Product. Connect the other end of the cable to the PC/PC serial port. An
adapter may be necessary for terminals that use 25 pin “D” serial connectors. A terminal
program, such as Windows HyperTerminal, can be used in the PC. The terminal settings
must be set as follows:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Local echo: on
Starting Adjustment Mode
The Product temperature must be stable before calibration adjustments are done. Make
sure the Product has warmed up for a minimum of 30 minutes. To start the calibration
mode, use the PC terminal program to send the CAL_START command.
The PC shows:
Calibration is password protected
Enter Password:
Correctly enter the password with the PC keyboard. The password is