DC Voltage (VDC)
Ranges .................................................................... 500.0 mV, 5.000 V, 50.00 V, 500.0 V, 1100 V
Full Scale Reading .................................................. 5000 counts
Accuracy ..................................................................
(0.5 % +6 counts)
Normal Mode AC Rejection at
50 or 60 Hz
1 % ........................................................ >60 dB
AC Voltage (VAC)
Ranges .................................................................... 500.0 mV, 5.000 V, 50.00 V, 500.0 V, 1100 V
Full Scale Reading .................................................. 5000 counts
15 Hz to 60 Hz .....................................................
(1 % +10 counts)
60 Hz to 1 kHz .....................................................
(2.5 % +15 counts)
For higher frequencies the frequency roll-off of the Meter input starts affecting accuracy.
Normal Mode DC Rejection ..................................... >50 dB
AC+DC Voltage (True RMS)
Ranges .................................................................... 500.0 mV, 5.000 V, 50.00 V, 500.0 V, 1100 V
Full Scale Reading .................................................. 5000 counts
DC to 60 Hz .........................................................
(1 % +10 counts)
60 Hz to 1 kHz .....................................................
(2.5 % +15 counts)
For higher frequencies the frequency roll-off of the Meter input starts affecting accuracy.
All accuracies are valid if the waveform amplitude is larger than 5 % of full scale.
Amperes (AMP)
With Optional Current Probe or Current Shunt
Ranges .................................................................... same as VDC, VAC, VAC+DC
Probe Sensitivity ...................................................... 100
V/A, 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A, 100 mV/A, 1 V/A, 10 V/A, and 100 V/A
Accuracy .................................................................. same as VDC, VAC, VAC+DC (add current probe or current shunt
TrendPlot (Meter or Scope)
Chart recorder that plots a graph of min and max values of Meter or Scope measurements over time.
Measurement Speed ............................................... >5 measurements/s
Time/div ................................................................... 5 s/div to 30 min/div
Record Size (min, max, average) ............................ 19200 points
Recorded Time Span .............................................. 64 min to 546 hours
Time Reference ....................................................... time from start, time of day
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