Reference Pressure Gauge
engineering units. See the Supervisory Mode section for
instructions to set up custom units.
Set Auto Off
Auto Off can be set in 1 minute increments from 1 to 30
minutes or you can turn off the function for continuous
Product operation. The Product is configured for 30
minutes. Push
to set the necessary interval.
The “off” position is at the low end of the selections, less
than 1 minute.
Show Battery Voltage
Actual battery voltage and a percent-of-life bargraph
show the battery charge. No adjustments are made in this
Display Actual Temperature
The Product is temperature compensated This parameter
shows the temperature measured by the internal sensor.
to show degrees F or C.
Set Damping
Selections are “on”
and “off”
. Damping smooths
readings from pulsating pressure sources.
Set Sample Rate
This function finds how many times pressure is sampled
and the display is updated. Selections are 0.5, 1, 3, and
10 samples/second. Note that 10/second gives the fastest
response time.
Set Tare
Use this function to set a constant offset value that is then
subtracted from the measured pressure. For example, if a
tare is set at 30 psi, and the measured pressure is 37 psi,
7 psi is shown.
A pressure of 27 psi is shown as -3 psi.
to set the tare value. The value is in
relation to the engineering units and resolution selected
for display. Tare value can be set to the maximum range
of the gauge.
For safety, the bar graph always shows the actual
pressure in relation to the full range of the gauge
regardless of the tare position. This is done to make sure
that with a “0” reading pressure is being applied to the