15.0 Conditions
This document:
a. Relates only to the product that is named, described, installed, used and maintained as set out in this document;
b. Is granted only to the company, firm or person identified on the front cover — no other company, firm or person may
hold or claim any entitlement to this document;
c. Is valid only within the UK;
d. Has to be read, considered and used as a whole document — it may be misleading and will be incomplete to be
e. Is subject to English law.
References in this Certificate to any Act of Parliament, Regulation made there under, Directive or Regulation of
the European Union, Statutory Instrument, Code of Practice, British Standard, manufacturers’ instructions or similar
publication, are references to such publication in the form in which it was current at the date of this document.
This Certificate will remain valid for an unlimited period provided that the product and the manufacture and/or
fabrication including all related and relevant processes thereof:
a. Are maintained at or above the levels which have been assessed and found to be satisfactory by the BSI;
b. Continue to be checked as and when deemed appropriate by the BSI under arrangements that it will determine; and
c. Are reviewed by the BSI as and when it considers appropriate.
In issuing this document, FloPlast is not responsible for:
a. the right of the document holder to market, supply, install or maintain the product; and
b. the actual works in which the product is installed, used and maintained, including the nature, design, methods and
workmanship of such works.
Any recommendations relating to the use or installation of this product which are contained or referred to in this
document are the minimum standards required to be met when the product is used. They do not support in any way
to restate the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, or of any other statutory, common law or other
duty which may exist at the date of this document or in the future; nor is conformity with such recommendations to be
taken as satisfying the requirements of the 1974 Act or of any present or future statutory, common law or other duty of
In developing this document, FloPlast does not accept responsibility to any person or body for any loss or damage,
including personal injury, arising as a direct or indirect result of the installation and use of this product.
In demonstrating their compliance with BS EN 12380; 2002 FloPlast’s Air Admittance Valves are fit for their intended
use provided they are installed, used and maintained as set out in this document, the British Kitemark Certificate
KM512474 has been awarded to FloPlast.