Configuration Steps
CP-6408-21-I QIG
© 2019 FLIR, Inc
. If you have made any changes on the Network page, the
camera reboots.
For more information about configuring the camera for
networking, see the camera’s user guide.
Attach the unit to the same LAN segment as the computer that is managing
the unit. DNA automatically discovers the unit on the network and displays
the device’s current IP address in the Discover List.
4.1 Configuring Host using Static Addresses
If using a Static IP address (as on a Latitude System):
1. Ensue that the DNA DHCP option is NOT selected.
2. Follow the DNA instructions to set the desired IP address.
4.2 Configuring for a DHCP environment
Select the unit from the Discover List.
4.3 Additional Setup Parameters
1. To select PAL or NTSC, select the device in the DNA Discover list, right-click
to open the context menu and click
Change Video Format
2. Click
Attach to VMS
Once you have completed installation and setup and noted the current IP address
with DNA, use your VMS Discovery/Attach procedures to attach the camera to
your VMS.