Getting Started
4.2.5 Device Status menu
Select the
Device Status
menu item from the main menu to access the following inform-
ation about the Fido X4. The information on the Device Status menu is display only; you can-
not modify it.
Serial Number:
Each Fido X4 ETD can be identified using its unique serial number. All data
stored on the device will include this serial number.
Firmware Version:
The firmware version indicates the version of the software that is cur-
rently running on the system.
The version of the detection algorithm installed on the device is independent from
the firmware version.
SE Type:
Indicated the type of sensing element installed in the system.
SE Runtime:
The amount of time the current sensing element has been in the system with
the system powered ON.
System Runtime:
Total runtime for the system hardware.
Detector Component Temperatures:
Current temperature for each detector hardware
component. These values will flash red if they are out of range.
Flow Rate:
The volumetric flowrate into the detector inlet and across the sensor array.
Swipe Count:
Total number of samples swipes that have been processed.
Disk Free:
The amount of free storage space remaining on the device.
Figure 4-9
: Device Status menu
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