427-0064-00-12 Version 100
August 2017
Advanced Configuration
The video streaming is done using a protocol generally
referred to as Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP), but there
are actually many protocols involved, including Real-Time
Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) and Real Time Streaming
Protocol (RTSP). The default value for the stream from
VIDEO - 0 is stream1/sensor1.
The complete connection strings are:
rtsp:// for VIDEO - 0 and
rtsp:// for VIDEO - 1. By
default the video stream uses the IP address of the camera.
Select Video format
The video format only applies to the video output on the
analog video BNC connector. Select either
depending on the video viewing and recording devices
connected to the camera. Select
Thermal Image Setup
In most installations it will not be necessary to change the thermal camera from the default settings.
However in some situations, depending on weather, time of day and so on, it may be useful to make
changes to the video image to enhance the image by modifying one or more of the parameters.
However, be aware that when the conditions change the camera may need to be adjusted again; for
that reason it is a good idea to know how to restore the factory default settings as well.
IR Page
In the
page, a single JPEG image (a snapshot) is displayed in the upper right-hand corner. To
update this image at any time, select the
button in the upper right. The AGC region of
interest (ROI) can be selected from the pull-down list.
Select video format