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427-0108-00-10 - Revision 100 - December 2020
Advanced Settings
Temperature Units
—Select Celsius (default) or Fahrenheit.
Temperature Offset
—Select On or Off (default).
When you enable temperature offset, you can specify the number of
degrees the camera uses to calculate the alarm threshold, in positive
whole numbers. The alarm threshold is the sum of the reference
temperature average and the configured offset. A smaller offset detects
smaller elevations in skin temperatures, but also generates more false
positives. A larger offset leads to fewer false positives, but also misses
more people with elevated skin temperatures; for example, those whose
normal skin temperature is colder than the average or coming from a
colder environment. By default, when enabled, the temperature offset is
1.0°C (1.8°F).
The camera only stores the temperature values of some measurements
used for the calculation of the reference temperature average. It is impossible to connect these values
to any individual.
Full Overlay On Stream
—Enables the full overlay, including the temperature, in the camera's video
streams. The default setting is Off (disabled).
Layout Configuration
You can configure the following screening layout settings:
Text Color
Font Style
Status messages
For each of the following screening statuses, you can
configure Title and Instructions messages, along with the
indicating color, that appear in the screening overlay
when it is enabled:
No elevated temperature detected
Elevated temperature
Low temperature
Face without face covering not detected
Measurement pending
Make sure people being screened can clearly read the
messages. The legibility of the messages on the camera
web page and in the video streams depends on a number
of factors, including screening station screen size and
resolution, video stream resolution, font style, and
message length.