FLUXUS ADM 8027, F801, ADM 8127B
5 Selection of the Measuring Point
UMFLUXUS_F8V4-6-1EN, 2018-10-10
Selection of the Sound Beam Plane near an Elbow
With vertical pipe orientation
With horizontal pipe
• The sound beam plane (see section 3.3.1) has an angle
of 90° to the elbow plane. The elbow is upstream of the
measuring point.
• The sound beam plane (see section 3.3.1) has an angle
of 90° ± 45°to the elbow plane.
With measurements in both directions
With measurements in the reflection arrangement with
2 beams and 2 planes
• The sound beam plane (see section 3.3.1) is selected
according to the nearest elbow (horizontal or vertical, de-
pending on the pipe orientation - see above).
• The 2 sound beam planes (see section 3.3.1) have an
angle of 45° to the elbow plane. The elbow is upstream of
the measuring point.
• With horizontal pipes, the transducers are mounted on
the upper half of the pipe.
elbow plane
flow direction
elbow plane
flow direction
flow direction
flow direction