FLUXUS ADM 8027, F801, ADM 8127B
19 Troubleshooting
UMFLUXUS_F8V4-6-1EN, 2018-10-10
If any problem appears which cannot be solved with the help of this user manual, contact our sales office and give a pre-
cise description of the problem. Specify the type, the serial number and the firmware version of the transmitter.
FLUXUS is a very reliable instrument. It is manufactured under strict quality control using modern production techniques.
If installed as recommended in an appropriate location, used cautiously and taken care of conscientiously, no troubles
should appear. The transmitter has been calibrated at the factory and, usually, a re-calibration of the transmitter will not be
necessary. A re-calibration is recommended if
• the contact surface of the transducers shows visible wear or
• the transducers were used for a prolonged period of time at a high temperature (several months >130 °C for normal
transducers or > 200 °C for high temperature transducers).
The transmitter has to be sent to FLEXIM for recalibration under reference conditions.
The display does not work at all or fails regularly
Check the contrast setting of the transmitter (see section 16.4).
Make sure that the correct voltage is available at the terminals. The voltage is indicated on the nameplate below the outer
right terminal.If the power supply is ok, the transducers or an internal component of the transmitter are defective. The
transducers and the transmitter have to be sent to FLEXIM for repair.
The message "System Error" is displayed
Press key BRK to return to the main menu.
If this message is displayed repeatedly, write down the number in the lower line. Track down the situations when the error
is displayed. Contact FLEXIM.
The transmitter does not react when key BRK is pressed during the measurement
A program code has been defined. Press key CLR and enter the program code.
The backlight of the display does not work, but all other functions are available
The backlight is defective. This problem does not affect the other functions of the display. Send the transmitter to FLEXIM
for repair.
Date and time are wrong, the measured values are deleted when the transmitter is switched off
The data backup battery has to be replaced. Send the transmitter to FLEXIM.
An output does not work
Make sure that the outputs are configured correctly. Check the function of the output as described in section 18.1.3. If the
output is defective, contact FLEXIM.
A measurement is impossible or the measured values substantially differ from the expected values
see section 19.1.
The values of the totalizers are wrong
see section 19.6.
Problems with the Measurement
A measurement is impossible because no signal is received. A question mark is displayed in the lower line on the
• Check if the entered parameters are correct, especially the outer pipe diameter, the pipe wall thickness and the sound
speed of the fluid. (Typical errors: The circumference or the radius was entered instead of the diameter. The inner pipe
diameter was entered instead of the outer pipe diameter.)
• Make sure that the recommended transducer distance was adjusted when mounting the transducers.
• Make sure that an appropriate measuring point is selected (see section 19.2).
• Try to establish better acoustic contact between the pipe and the transducers (see section 19.3).
• Enter a lower value for the number of sound paths. The signal attenuation might be too high due to a high fluid viscosity
or deposits on the inner pipe wall (see section 19.4).