Guider IIS series User Guide | www.flashforge.com
6.2.14 Tool Menus
Control Panel
After connecting PC with Guider IIS, click [Tools]--[Control Panel] to open
the control panel.
Jog Controls
Jog Mode
Select the distance that extruder/ build plate move a single time
(that is, the distance extruder/ build plate move upon your single click).
Six blue arrow direction buttons: Control the move along X/Y/Z axis. X/Y
axis button control extruder move, Z axis button control build plate move.
Click X-, extruder will move leftward a specified distance; Click X+, extruder
will move a specified distance rightward. Click Y-, extruder will move forward
a specified distance; Click Y-, extruder will move backward a specified
distance. Click Z-, build plate will move upward a specified distance; Click Z-,
build plate will move downward a specified distance. (Specified distance
refers to the move distance you set in Jog Mode.
Stop: Click the [Stop] button to abort the current movement.