Finder User Guide | www.flashforge.com
7.2.4 Print from FlashForge Cloud connection
1) Turn on [WiFi] connection on printer’s setting interface to connect the printer to
Internet with WiFi. ( Make sure the printer has connected to Internet.)
Turn on [FlashForge Cloud] connection on printer’s setting interface.
2) Register a FlashForge Cloud account with your computer, onwebsite:
3) Register your account on FlashForge cloud: After activate your account through
your email box, login in Flashforge cloud with your account.
4) After login in cloud with your own account, click[My printer]—click[Add printer].
Input your Printer's Name and Flashcloud Registration Code in [Add printer] interface.
Printer's Name is edit and input by yourself, it can help you identify printer type, user
name or using date. Registration Code is showed in your printer's [About] interface.