Flair 58 Preheat System Safety and Instruction Guide - [email protected]
Page 5
Preheat System Use Instructions
Before using the Preheat System it is important for each user to determine the level of preheat temperature they’d like: Low, Medium or High.
In addition, it is important to remember that the Preheat System is meant to maintain the temperature of the system while adding heated brew water.
It is not intended to be used as a method to heat your brew water. The heating and management of your brew water’s temperature should always be
managed with your kettle.
The Controller has one singular button with three green indicator lights. These lights have three states each: off, blinking and solid on. The indicators of
each of these states is listed below:
– This temperature level is off or inactive
– Indicates a heating stage
– Indicates that the desired temperature has been reached
The three lights correspond to the different preheat temperature that has been selected: Low, Medium and High, from left to right across the controller.
Directions for selecting and preheating to each level are below.
Once a temperature setting has been reached, the Preheat System will maintain that setting until turned off. In order to reduce the level of your preheat
- from high to medium, or medium to low - simply use short presses of the button to quickly cycle through the various heat settings.