Second Position Turnout
Lie on your back with your head on the Headrest and your arms resting at your
sides. Place the heels of your feet on the outside corners of the Foot Rest Bar
Assembly. Rotate your legs outward from the hips so that the toes and knees are
opening slightly to the sides. Push your feet against the Foot Rest Bar Assembly and
straighten your knees, squeezing your inner thighs together. Pause at the end of the
movement, then slowly return to the starting position.
Perform 12 – 20 repetitions to fatigue.
Works the hips, inner thighs, front and back thighs and lower legs.
Glideboard Incline Position
Tension Cords
#1 and/or #2
B or C
#1, #2, #3 and #4
The Hundreds
Lie on your back with your head on the Headrest. Place your feet on the Foot Rest
Bar Assembly with your legs together and toes pointing up. Grasp one Handle in each
hand with your palms facing forward and the forearms vertical to the Glideboard.
Exhale and simultaneously press your arms down toward your sides while raising the
head and shoulders off the Glideboard in a “crunch” motion. The Glideboard will slide
back and the feet will lift off the Foot Rest Bar Assembly during this motion. Hold this
position and slowly extend your knees so that the feet are above the Foot Rest Bar
Assembly. Inhale for 5 counts, and exhale for 5 counts. Then, simultaneously raise
your arms, lower your head, and lower your feet back to the Foot Rest Bar Assembly.
The Glideboard will slowly slide back to the starting position.
Repeat the entire sequence, performing 10 sets to fatigue.
Works the arms and abs.
Glideboard Incline Position
Tension Cords
#1 and/or #2
#1, #2, #3 and/or #4
Accessory: Handles