V150S Slurry VeeBall Valve
Instruction Manual
November 2010
Figure 8. Index Marks for Actuator Lever Orientation for NPS 3 through 12 Valves
Determining Closed Position
1. The valve must be removed from the line to
check the position of the ball.
The V-notch ball closes with a
shearing, cutting motion. To avoid
personal injury, keep hands, tools, and
other objects away from the ball while
stroking the valve.
2. Rotate the ball to the closed position.
3. Position the ball in the proper location.
4. The ball is in its closed position when the Vee
plane of the ball, (opposite the convex side) is
parallel to the liner end flange face of the valve body.
Measure to check. Adjust the actuator linkage or
travel stops to position.
To extend operating life of the V-notch
ball, always ensure the V-notch ball
rotates into the top of the valve body
to open.