Controls at the Front
Description of the Actuators (front side):
Channel 1/2
Volume control:
Preset of volume for channel 1 and 2
Channel 1/2
Pan (Balance) Control
In stereo mode:
Adjust balance of volume between channel 1 and 2
channel 1 (left), channel 2 (right)
In mono-mix mode:
Adjust volume level ratio between channel 1 and channel 2. Channels 1
and 2 are output together to both headphones. In middle position, both
channel levels are equal; at left stop only channel 1, at right stop only
channel 2
Change-over switch channel 1 and 2
Stereo / Mono Mix
Stereo mode:
The device outputs the signal fed into the left input (channel 1) to the left
headphone and the signal from the right (channel 2) to the right
Mono Mix mode:
Channel 1 and channel 2 are mixed and output to both headphones. By
means of the Pan (Balance) control, the ratio between both channels
can be adjusted.