The Fireye BurnerPRO is a compact, microprocessor based, primary flame safeguard control system
designed to provide the proper burner sequencing, ignition and continuous flame monitoring for on-
off, multi-stage, or modulating burners used in commercial heating and process equipment firing oil
and gas fuels. The system is designed for use in non-permanent operations that requires burner recy-
cle at least once every 24 hours.
Flame monitoring for the UV version is accomplished by the built in amplifier and compatible UV
scanner. Control functions and timings are factory set via unique micro controller firmware. Through
seven SMART LEDs, the control provides current operating status and lockout information in the
event of a safety shutdown. Refer to the BurnerPRO ordering information section later in this docu-
ment for the various combinations of control functions and timings.
A complete BurnerPRO system includes the BP110/230, flame scanner and wiring base. The Burn-
erPRO performs a safety self-test on every start. If a flame is detected prior to a start or during the
purge cycle, the fuel valves are not energized and the control locks out. The LEDs and alarm termi-
nal is used to annunciate the presence of a lockout condition.
Additional functions of the BurnerPRO include:
Non-volatile lockout capability
Proof of fuel valve closure
Air-flow proving
A run/check feature allows the operator to stop the program sequence in different
positions (Purge, Ignition, PTFI and MTFI)
Remote and local Reset
One second flame failure response time
Smart LEDs provide on board diagnostic lockout information
Real-time internal diagnostics for added safety integrity
Extended temperature operation (-40°C to 60°C) with an over-temp inhibit feature
High capacity relay contacts
NOVEMBER 10, 2017