Firetide. Reliable Connectivity Anywhere
Preliminary Version 1.1
Link Configuration
Link Radio Settings
Link Status is displayed here. Configuration options include: Wireless Mode, Channel, Auto Selec-
tion of Channel and Extended Range. Wireless Mode settings include: 11b, 11bg, 11g, 108g static,
11a, and 11a static turbo. Extended Range can be set from 0 to 9 miles (0 to 14.5 km). Click Apply
to save settings.
Link Basic Settings
Link Basic Settings include Multicast Data Rate, Fragmentation Threshold, and Management VLAN
Settings. The data rate can be set from 1 Mbps up to 54 Mbps. Fragmentation threshold is gener-
ally left at the default setting of 2346. Management VLAN status can be enabled or disabled. When
enabled, select the appropriate management VLAN number. Click Apply to save settings.
Link Security Settings
Link Security Settings provide support for encryption. The default is Enabled, WPA2-PSK.