Fiorenzato | Cod. AllGround_001 Ed. 01/2021
62 / 116
“Espresso” screen
This screen is displayed when the adjustment
ring nut is rotated to the "Espresso” grinding
mode and contains the three function buttons
for starting the desired grinding cycle.
Single dose grinding (Item 1):
- Lightly pressing this option (for less than
two seconds) will set the grinder time to
grind enough coffee for a single dose.
When the command is given, a screen
appears showing the progress of the
grinding cycle expressed in seconds
and the “STOP” button to interrupt the
current cycle (see paragraph 5.6).
If pressed for longer than two seconds,
the screen is displayed to set the time
for a single dose (see paragraph 5.3.3).
Double dose grinding (Item 2):
- Lightly pressing this option (for less than
two seconds) will set the grinder time
to grind enough coffee for two doses.
When the command is given, a screen
appears showing the progress of the
grinding cycle expressed in seconds
and the “STOP” button to interrupt the
current cycle (see paragraph 5.6)
If pressed for longer than two seconds,
the screen is displayed to set the time
for a double dose (see paragraph 5.3.3).
Manual grinding (Item 3):
- When pressed and held, manual
grinding begins and the display shows
the grinding time expressed in seconds.
When the function button is released,
the machine stops.
When grinding is completed, the display
returns to the “Espresso” screen.
< 2 s
< 2 s