Fiorenzato | Cod. AllGround_001 Ed. 01/2021
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2 microswitches to detect the ring nut
position (Fig. 7)
These two microswitches (Items 1 and 2)
detect the position of the adjustment ring nut
(Item 3) and then, through the display, indicate
the grinding mode detected (Espresso, Moka
or Filter).
Fig. 7
3.5 Residual risks
During the design, Fiorenzato M.C. S.r.l. adopted all the necessary precautions to
ensure use of the coffee grinder in conditions of maximum safety. However, during
installation and cleaning of the appliance, there are a number of residual risks that
cannot be eliminated, the effects of which can be addressed by adequately training the
user according to the provisions set out in the following table.
For each residual risk, the provisions useful to limit and/or cancel the degree of the
individual risks are indicated.
Residual risk
Present during:
Provisions to reduce the risk
Contusion and/
or crushing of the
upper and lower
limbs due to the
weight of the
Handling of the device
• Unpacking.
• Installation.
• Movement of
the appliance for
cleaning of the
relative support
• Firmly grip the appliance before
moving it.
Ensure there is sufficient space
to move the appliance safely
without striking obstacles.
• Use non-slip gloves to move
the grinder.
• Connecting and
disconnecting the
power cord.
• Frequently check the condition
of the power cable and replace
it when it is found to be
deteriorated or damaged.
Make sure that the switch is in
the "O" (OFF) position before
connecting the power cable to
the coffee grinder.