Revision 00 Maggio 2006
Page 4 di 37
FIORENTINI S. r. l. is the only owner of this manual.
The reproduction of all or part of the manual or the transmission to third parties with
mechanic or electronic devices are forbidden without a written manufacturer’s authorization.
This manual is supplied to the customers in one original copy when differently specified
during the order.
This manual is supplied to the customer with the machine and it must be kept with it even when the machine has
to be transferred.
Please, keep the manual in a safe place and for all the machine lifetime. Purchaser is responsible for showing
the manual to qualified people. In case of loss ask for a duplicate to FIORENTINI Co..
FIORENTINI S.r.l. is not responsible for any kind of damages caused by people or things due to the non-
observance of the instructions of this manual.
FIORENTINI reserves the right to add at any time and without notice all the technical and commercial changes
considered useful for the customer. Therefore data and information in this manual
can be
This symbol is used to get the operator’s attention on procedures or precautions to be followed in
order to avoid damages to users or to the support.
This symbol is used to get the operator’s attention on general information.