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Maintenance During/After Spraying
Periodically check the strainer and clean the screen on your intake line.
If sprayer becomes clogged during use, discontinue use immediately. DO NOT attempt to service while chemicals are in the sprayer
and power is connected.
Proper care and maintenance will prolong the life of your sprayer.
After use, drain the tank and store or dispose of chemical properly. Fill the sprayer half way with clean water. Start the pump and
allow the water to pump through the entire plumbing system and nozzles. Drain and then refill half full, add the recommended
amount of a good quality tank cleaner, such as FIMCO Tank Neutralizer and Cleaner. (If no tank cleaner is available, you may substi-
tute dish soap for this step, about 1
2 oz. per gallon). But a neutralizer/cleaner should be used to thoroughly clean the system. Turn
pump on and circulate through system for 15 minutes and then spray out through boom and handgun nozzles. Refill sprayer half
way with clean water and repeat. Follow the chemical manufacturer
s disposal instructions of all wash or rinsing water.
If handgun nozzle needs cleaning, remove from the sprayer and soak in warm soapy water. Clean with a soft bristled brush or
toothpick if necessary. Never use a metal object. Even the slightest damage can change the flow rate and spray distribution. Water
rinse and dry the tip before storing.
Some chemicals will damage the pump valves if allowed to soak untreated for a length of time! ALWAYS flush the pump
as instructed after each use. DO NOT allow chemicals to sit in the pump for extended times of idleness. Follow the chemical manu-
s instructions on disposal of all waste water from the sprayer.
Some chemicals will damage the pump valves if allowed to soak untreated for a length of time! ALWAYS flush the pump
as instructed after each use. DO NOT allow chemicals to sit in the pump for extended times of idleness. Follow the chemical manu-
s instructions on disposal of all waste water from the sprayer.
Tank Care & Maintenance
Do not use the tank as a container for fuel oils, kerosene, gasoline or any other petroleum distillate product. All polyole-
fins are softened and permeated by such products. In an enclosed area the vaporization of these materials from the outside surface
of the tank could create a dangerous condition.
The tank should not be used as a pressure vessel nor used with chemicals or solutions having a weight of more than 12 pounds per
Store the tank in a dry dark place when not in use. Storage out of sunlight will prolong the life of the tank.
Do not drop, strike or kick the tank, especially at low temperatures. Tanks become brittle and are subject to cracking at tempera-
tures below 20° Fahrenheit.
Always flush the tank with water and a neutralizing agent at the end of each use, to prevent contamination of solutions.
Winter Storage
Prepare the sprayer for end
season storage by running RV antifreeze through the system. This will keep internal parts lubricat-
ed, protect against corrosion and keep the unit from freezing.
Note: RV antifreeze is non
toxic and biodegradable and generally
safer for the environment than automotive antifreeze.
Before storing your sprayer for winter or long term storage, thoroughly clean and drain it as much as possible. Then pour enough
pink RV antifreeze into the tank so that when the pump is turned on you can pump the antifreeze throughout the entire plumbing
system, including the bypass. Make sure to operate the boom (if applicable) and handgun until you see pink fluid spraying from the
nozzles. Leave any remaining antifreeze in the tank. Before your next usage, rinse the antifreeze from the sprayer with clean water.
It is nearly impossible to drain all of the water from the sprayer and any trapped water can freeze in cold weather and damage
parts of the sprayer. Pumping the antifreeze through the system will displace the water and help prevent this damage.
Removing from storage: drain the antifreeze. Fill the tank with fresh water and run through the system. Dispose of antifreeze and
flush water properly.