Overview of the job management utilities
WebSpooler and Fiery Spooler
WebSpooler and Fiery Spooler are similar in appearance and functionality. However,
you access each utility differently. You can access WebSpooler through a Java-enabled
Web browser residing on any computer with a networked connection to the
Fiery S300. Fiery Spooler must be installed on a networked Mac OS computer and can
only be used on that computer.
Both WebSpooler and Fiery Spooler offer job management functions similar to those
of Command WorkStation. The default WebSpooler user interface appears in the
following illustration; the user interface of Fiery Spooler is similar.
For information on using Fiery WebSpooler or Fiery Spooler, see
Spool Area
RIP Area
Print Area
Thumbnail B
Thumbnail A
Spool Status Bar
RIP Status Bar
Print Status Bar