McQuay Micro Tech Open Protocol Driver Manual
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FieldServer Technologies
1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA
: www.fieldserver.com
: (408) 262 2299
: (408) 262 2269
Toll Free
: (888) 509 1970
Appendix A.3.
Direct Addressing Example 1– Reading direct address.
This example reads 10 data elements from a McQuay device starting at address 4096 (= 0x1000). The 10 values obtained are stored in DA_CHILLER1 starting at
offset zero.
Map_Descriptor_Name , Data_Array_Name , Data_Array_Offset , Node_Name , Address , Length , Scan_Interval , Function
, 0
, Chiller1
, 4096 , 10
, 1.0s
, Rdbc
Appendix A.4.
Direct Addressing Example 2 – Controlling Bytes per Field – Reading
This example reads a McQuay device starting at address 4096 (= 0x1000) to 4099 incl. Before storing the data from the responses, the FieldServer combines
the 4 values into a single value and stores this single value in a single Data Array element.
The driver reads address 4096 and gets a value. Call this value v0.
The driver reads address 4097 and gets a value. Call this value v1.
The driver reads address 4098 and gets a value. Call this value v2.
The driver reads address 4099 and gets a value. Call this value v3.
When the 4
address has been read, the driver calculates Total_Value = v0 + v1 * 0x100 + v2 * 0 v3 * 0x1000000. The Total_Value is stored in the
Data Array.
Map_Descriptor_Name , Data_Array_Name , Data_Array_Offset , Node_Name , Address , Length , Bytes_per_Field , Scan_Interval , Function
, 0
, Chiller1
, 4096
, 1
, 4
, 1.0s
, Rdbc
Specify the address
in decimal
A data format of
BYTE is appropriate,
Specify the address
in decimal
Length must be set
to 1 when
Bytes_per_Field is
A value between 1 and 4 - tells
the driver how many consecutive
addresses to read from the
remote device. The data value for
each address is combined into a
single value before it is stored.