The compressor is used to reduce the dynamic range of the signal above a user-defined threshold. The signal level
below the threshold remains unchanged.
Threshold: When the signal level is higher than the threshold, the gain will be reduced. This point is the inflection point
in the input/output curve. For peak stop, the threshold that needs to be stopped is just below the peak level.
Ratio: The compression ratio of input and output.
Start-up time: Start with the gain of the compressor to reduce the processing speed. The shorter the start-up time, the
greater the instantaneous change of the signal, and the short-term gain attenuation makes the hearing unsuitable.
Release time: The release time determines the gain change from moment to moment of the compressor. The quick
release time increases the subjective level, while the slow release time is more useful to keep it under control.
Output fader: The fader can control the output gain of the module. If the compressor reduces the signal level
significantly, the output gain boost may need to maintain the perceived volume.