This option allows to generate calls to smartphone devices in the cases where it is not a MEET monitor
associated in the installation. A FERMAX MEET ME licence Ref. 1496 is required for each apartment
The call can be received, simultaneously, in 8 smartphones in the same apartment.
Furthermore, it is also possible, to generate simultaneous calls to several devices MEET and/or third-
party SIP devices as well, using SIP protocol instead of FERMAX MEET protocol.
A .CSV file containing the associated number and the information of the diverted device or devices
must be updated in the panel.
The operation procedure to generate and update the .CSV file is as follow:
Select EXPORT to generate a blank .CSV table, an save it in your PC.
Rename this table as your choice or leave the default name (MEET CALL DIVERT PXXX-YY.csv),
where XXX is the BLOCK NUMBER and YY is the device number assigned to this panel).
Use Microsoft Excel to open the created file. It will look like: