SR6300 / SR8500 Powered Mixers®™
(These are the model name for warranty claims)
This section provides concise information
about new or unusual circuitry designs
incorporated into the mixer. The purpose is to
aid the service technician by providing insight
into the design areas most likely to become
obstacles in troubleshooting. Information is
focused for its effective use while maintaining
the security of Fender® proprietary information
wherever possible.
The mixer section is mainly made of operational
amplifiers and gain stage and therefore requires
only a brief description. The mixer section
consists of 6 or 8 Mic and line inputs with
volume, EQ and pan controls. There are also
monitor and effects bus levels on each channel.
Line inputs can be operated as either balanced
or unbalanced. There is a gain selection switch
(0dB / -20dB) on the front panel for each
channel. Each channel is routed to one of 4
main mixer busses (Left, Right, Monitor and
Effects). The “Main” bus is a mono sum of the
left and right busses. There are many access
points to each bus (tape in/out, aux in etc.) that
are best described in the user’s manual block
The power amplifier is a standard class AB
stereo 150 Watt per side amplifier. Note that the
program material sent to the amplifier is switch-
able between Left and Right, Main and Monitor,
and Bridged. Bridge mode level is controlled by
the left volume control.
The power supply is located on the power
amplifier board.
The effects are located on a permanently affixed
daughter board on the front panel. This module
converts the effects bus to digital audio,
processes it with the selected effect, and
converts it back to analog audio to later be
mixed onto one of the main channels.