Press the DATA WHEEL one or more times until the setting that
you want to adjust is highlighted, then turn the DATA WHEEL
to adjust the setting.
You can also hold down an Effect button and turn the DATA
WHEEL to scroll through settings faster!
Press the DATA WHEEL repeatedly
to select the next Effect setting
Press EXIT to return to play mode.
You can bypass an effect at any time, even while you are in
the effect settings menus, by pressing the Effect button, or
corresponding footswitch button (when in FX SELECT mode).
Expression Pedal
Expression Pedal
Your Mustang™ Floor is equipped with a dual-mode expression
pedal. Switch between Volume mode and Expression mode by
pressing down hard on the toe end of the pedal. An icon in the
upper right corner of the screen displays the current pedal mode.
"VOLUME OFF" or "EXP OFF" appears if the current pedal mode
is set to "off" for the current preset in the Volume Enable or
Expression Behavior pedal menus below.
Volume mode icon
Expression mode icon
mode is used to control master volume (or the pedal
can be set to off in Volume mode).
mode can be used to control almost any effect or
amp parameter on the Mustang Floor (or the pedal can be set
to off in Expression mode). Some common uses are to control
the frequency parameter of a Wah effect or the rate/time
parameter of a modulation or delay effect.
Pedal Menus
Press the PEDAL button to configure the Mustang Floor
expression pedal as well as an external EXP-1 expression
pedal (optional) when connected. Press the PEDAL
button repeatedly to access each of the pedal menus described
below. Many menu items are dynamic and only appear under the
appropriate conditions. For example, if Expression Behavior mode
is set to "off," none of the parameter menus for Expression mode
will appear. Likewise, all EXP-1 pedal parameters will appear only
when an EXP-1 pedal is connected to the Mustang Floor. Note:
EXP-1 menu items are prefaced with "EXP-1" instead of "FLOOR" on
The current Volume or Expression mode state of the pedal
is stored with the current preset when you save a preset. See
"Pedal Default" under Utility Menus on page 7 to override.
• Volume Enable —
Select "On" if you want the pedal to
control the master volume level in Volume mode, or select "Off" if
you want the pedal to be off in Volume mode.
• Global Volume Heel / Global Volume Toe —
these menus to set the master volume level with the heel of the
pedal in the fully down position (Heel Volume) and with the toe
of the pedal in the fully down position (Toe Volume).
The Global Volume Heel and Toe settings are stored globally
and affect all presets. Every other pedal parameter is stored
locally and affects an individual preset.
• Expression Behavior —
(Off, Amp, Stomp, Mod, Delay, Reverb, Volume)
Select the category that you want to control with the expression
pedal in Expression mode or select "Off" if you want the pedal to
be off in Expression mode.
You must have an effect selected for the current preset on
the Mustang Floor to make that category of effect become
available for selection in this menu.
• Expression Parameter —
Select the parameter that
you want to control with the pedal in Expression mode. Your
options will change depending on the category you selected
in the Expression Behavior menu above, and the effect module
selected for the current preset.
• Expression Heel / Expression Toe —
Use these menus
to set the level of the active parameter with the heel of the pedal
in the fully down position (Heel Setting) and with the toe of
the pedal in the fully down position (Toe Setting). Your options
will change depending on the category you selected in the
Expression Behavior menu, above.
• Expression Mode —
(Capture, Live)
If "Live" is selected, the cur-
rent pedal position will override the stored preset setting for
the assigned expression pedal parameter when a preset is first
selected. If "Capture" is selected, the pedal is disabled until you
move the pedal after a preset has been selected.