Precautions for use:
- Avoid to put the machine under mechanical stress: excessive pressure may lead to rapid
deterioration of the tool or decreased performance in terms of fi nish.
- Faulty switches must be replaced at an authorized after sales service centre.
- Only use the tools recommended in this manual.
- Check that the wrenches used for maintenance and adjustment operations have been
removed from the machine before starting it.
- Use only the machine's original blocking system.
- Replace any damaged parts.
Shearing, cutting and severing hazard:
This risk is due to the presence of the rotating blade. It is indicated by the symbol:
Precautions to be taken
• During the cutting phase do not wear work gloves.
• Keep hands away from the work area.
• Never remove cuttings or fragments from the machine when the blade is rotating.
Friction or abrasion hazard:
This risk is due to the presence of the rotating blade.
Precautions to be taken
• When working with the tool do not wear work gloves.
• Keep hands away from the work area.
• Never remove cutting residues or workpiece fragments when the tool is rotating.
Solid material ejection hazard:
This risk is due to the presence of the rotating tool.
Precautions to be taken
• When working with the tool, always wear the necessary personal protective equipment:
safety goggles, safety shoes.