It’s time for printing! (15- 30mins)
After all the hard work of the assembly and setting up the machine it is time to get some reward by means of your first successful print.
Before pressing the “Print” button make sure of the following
In the manual control window do the following.
Heat up the extruder to 200 degC
Heat up the heated bed to 60 degC
Move the table down 10mm
If the extruder is heated up, check or make sure that the following is true
Printer axes can move without obstructions
Remove all plastic residues on the heated bed.
Degreased heated bed surface
When all axes are homed the hot-end is not touching the table.
The supplied filament with the kit is PLA. The optimal temperature depends on the type of filament used. When using PLA check if the
temperatures of the hot-end and the heater are between 180-210 and 30-60 degrees C respectively. When using ABS these
temperatures should be somewhere around 210-250 and 70 – 100 degrees respectively. The heated bed temperatures can be much
lower with painters tape.
To find the correct temperature for optimal extrusion, start with a low temperature. Then go up slightly. When the temperature is too
high, you might hear some pops and sisses coming from the hot-end. When the temperature is too low the extruder motor will have a
hard time extruding. When printing at high speed, the temperature of the filament should be a little higher.
Move down the table 10mm and insert the filament in the extruder. Run the extruder until a steady flow of plastic comes out. Remove
this with tweezers.
When there is not a continuous flow coming out of the nozzle, make sure the extruder arm is properly tensioned. Turn the m4 nut
counterclockwise to put more tension on the filament, so it will be pulled into the hot-end better. But watch out, too tight and the motor
will have a hard time to turn.
When these steps are OK, you are ready to press that print button.
If the calibration was done ok the print should finish without any problem.
The most probable cause of failure could be the wrongly adjusted z-height of the first layer.
Two things can happen:
The plastic won’t stick to the heated bed. This means the distance between the table and the hot-end is too large
The first layer sticks but seems squashed, compared to the other layers. This means the hot-end is too close to the table.
If one of the above failures happens, adjust the z-axis switch vane accordingly.