Now it is time to calibrate the z-height.:
Plug in the power cable. When doing the following steps, hold your hands on the usb connector. Plug it out if something goes wrong.
Make sure the fan in front of the hot-end and the fan in the electronics case is turning.
Make sure the bed is 1 cm from the hot-end.
Press Home X, then move the x axis back and forth. The axis will only move in positive direction if the Home X button is not pressed.
Press Home Y, move the y axis back and forth.
Press Home Z
The distance between the table and hot-end is probably too large.
Adjust the limit-switch vane and press Home Z again.
Do this a couple of times until the distance is less than the thickness of a piece of normal paper.
Scroll down the manual control window.
Check if the switchable fan mounted to the airduct is working.
Move the slider to 100%, (other values don’t work) and press the fan button
You are almost ready to do your first print, please proceed to the next section.