Saw-Spindle Moulder
Saw-Spindle Moulder
© Felder KG
KR-Felder-Str. 1
A-6060 Hall in Tirol
Tel.: +43 (0) 5223
45 0 90
Fax: +43 (0) 5223
45 0 99
Email: [email protected]
Internet: www.hammer.at
22. Februar 2007
Attention! The machine must be inspected immediately on arrival. If the machine was damaged during
transport or if any parts are missing, a written record of the problems must be submitted to the forwar-
ding agent and a damage report compiled. Be sure also to notify your supplier immediately.
For the safety of all personnel, it is necessary to conscientiously study this manual before assembly and
commissioning. This manual must be kept in good condition, as it belongs to the machine! Furthermore,
keep the manual to hand and in the vicinity of the machine so that it is accessible to personnel when they
are using, maintaining or repairing the machine.
A product of the FELDER GROUP