Quick Commands (cont’d)
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Disarm All Partitions (9)
To disarm all partitions from a single keypad enter 9 into the partition
selection display. This command will disarm all partitions where that
user is authorized that are currently armed.
NOTE: The keypad will return to the original partition after
approximately 20 seconds.
Quick Arming [# 1]
Depression of the # key followed by the digit 1 will ARM the system
without the need for entry of a user code. This is known as QUICK
ARMING and will arm the system in the AWAY mode. This is
identical to the ARMING command previously described. NOTE: You
will still be required to enter a user code to disarm the system.
Quick Forced Arming [# 2]
You may also FORCE ARM the system, which will arm the system
and bypass any burglary zones which are not ready, without entry of a
user code. Simply press the # key followed by the digit 2.
Time Set [# 3]
The Security System contains a built in system time clock. The clock
can be set as follows:
1) Press # 3
Enter # 3
If partition auto arming is enabled, the system will display the
following message. If auto arming is not enabled, advance to step
(1) clock (2) arm
To set the system clock, enter 1 on the keypad.
2) The system will display the current time as follows: