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229-51339 Rev A
© 2007 FAST
24/7 Tech Support:
Operating Instructions
Programmable Action Alarms
Up to three action alarms can be programmed for each product key. An action alarm
alerts the operator to perform some action at a pre-programmed time.
Programmable Appliance Type
A specific type of appliance; i.e., gas, electric or generic can be programmed into the
Energy Saving Manual Setback
Setback, an
energy-saving feature
, will lower the temperature of the oil after a pre-
determined amount of inactive time (1 to 59 minutes). Temperature is programmable
from 200-300°F (93.3-148.8°C). Enter setback mode by pressing the SETBACK key. The
controller will display
and will control the appliance to the pro-
grammed setback temperature.
Fahrenheit or Celsius Temperature Display
The controller can be configured to display the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit or
Celsius (accessible through System Programming mode).
Programmable (FAST.Flex)
Timing Mode
Flex or straight timing can be configured for each stage on each product key. To insure
consistent, high-quality food product,
flex time
will adjust the actual cook time tak-
ing into consideration the temperature variation due to load size, initial product
temperature, product moisture content, and other factors affecting the cook cycle. If
cooking by
straight time
, the controller will cook only for the specified time without
adjusting for these variances.
Programmable Filter/Polish Mode
To aid in extending the life of your oil, this Meridian Controller will alert the operator
at pre-programmed times or number of products cooked when it is time to filter the
oil by displaying the
prompt. If the prompt is flashing, cooking can still be per-
formed. If the prompt is solid, the filter procedure must be executed. A filter can also
manually be forced at any time of the day.
Programmable Filter Lockout Cycle Count
Ensure good-tasting food is always served to your customers by requiring the oil be
filtered after “x” amount of times. Any product key with Filter Lockout programmed
will cease to operate until the oil is filtered. A filter lockout cycle count (valid range is
0 to 99) can be programmed for each product key. To disable filter lockout, enter 0
for the filter lockout count.
Programmable Global Filter Lockout
A single filter lockout cycle count can be programmed to apply globally to all product
Programmable Hold Time Linking
Each product key can be linked to an independent hold timer, or multiple product
keys can be linked to a single hold timer.