Manual Aqua M300D
page 15
The right-hand, thin bar (4) represents the smart indicator. The smart indicator is based on a complex set of calculations and
analysis methods
(see chapter 7.2.1).
The higher the smart indicator value, the more reliable the information on the leak.
The smart indicator bar also displays the colour of the frequency which was used for the calculation that is required to
provide an indication on the whereabouts of the leak. According to the rule of thumb, the closer the leak, the higher the
smart indicator bar value and the lighter the colour.
The smart indicator bar value is also displayed numerically next to the actual bar (5).
You can change the measuring mode during measuring at any time and analyse or continue previous
measurements in another mode. The measurement series will not be cleared on changing the mode. Measuring Procedure Volume Mode
Only the noise amplitude of the minimum value measured is displayed as a single bar in the volume mode.
Press the record button or the press button on the handle at the universal microphone (5) to start measuring. Keep the
button pressed for the duration of the measurement. The device will stop measuring and save the data when the record
button is released.
The display can show a measurement series which is made up of the last six individual measurements as well as the
current measurement.
The first measurement saved is displayed on position 1. Each further measurement shifts the previous measurement to
the right. When position 6 has been reached, the oldest of the six measurements, the measurement on position one,
will be cleared so that the last measurement which was taken is always displayed on position 1.
The single bar can be used to visualise the following information in volume mode:
The height of the bar indicates the noise amplitude on a scale ranging from 0 to 100. You are most likely to find the leak
at the spot showing the highest amplitude value.