Operation Manual
FarSounder, Inc.
F31552 (Rev. 2.6.1)
Page 43 of 56
Due to the sensor type the data provided may be either heading or course. For example, some GPS
units may output a message that is intended as heading yet the instrument fills the particular values with
course data. You should consult your sensor's documentation to be sure of the information type displayed
in SonaSoft's Vessel Heading Display. Some messages provide heading in either sensor heading/course
values, magnetic heading/course values, or true heading/course values. When available, the user can select
the values they prefer.
For vessel position, the user can select from the following NMEA messages:
GGA: Global Positioning System Fix Data.
GLL: Geographic Latitude and Longitude.
RMC: Recommended minimum Specific GNSS data.
For vessel speed, the user can select from the following NMEA messages:
RMC: Recommended minimum Specific GNSS data.
VHW: Water Speed and Heading.
VTG: Course over ground and ground speed.
Some messages provide speed in either knots or km/h. When available, the user can select the units they