Operation Manual
FarSounder, Inc.
F31552 (Rev. 2.6.1)
Page 37 of 56
Figure 27. Color mapped to signal strength with "somewhat poor" settings
In Figure 27, “Color mapped to signal strength with "somewhat poor" settings”, the Squelch has been
increased. There are less in-water blips than in Figure 27, “Color mapped to signal strength with "somewhat
poor" settings”, but still there is much more than just the single piling shown. It is likely that the In-Water
Squelch is still too low. Notice that many of the in-water targets are very close in signal strength to the sea
floor, and that they appear to be truncated by the surface of the sea floor itself. These two characteristics
are indications of noise blips rather than less reflective, legitimate targets. The original image generated in
Figure 25, “A sea floor and a single piling target with "good" settings” utilized a slightly higher In-Water level
setting. This slight increase was enough to raise the in-water target cutoff slightly and clean up the image.
During the rest of the cruise, these settings did not need to change.