Operation Manual
FarSounder, Inc.
F31552 (Rev. 3.8.0)
Page 32 of 69
3.4. System Status
The System Status display window displays real-time status information produced by various components
of SonaSoft™. Some components include a status indicator icon. This icon is a circle colored either green,
yellow, or red. Green indicates all systems are functioning properly. Yellow indicates there is a system
warning. Red indicates there is a serious problem with part of the system.
Figure 33. System Status display window
Figure 33, “System Status display window” shows the System Status display with three indicators and a
hydrophone (receiver) waveform display.
The first indicator shows that the software is listening for NMEA messages over the serial port. The status
of that component shows that it is listening on COM1 at 9600 baud. If more than one serial port is enabled,
multiple ports would be listed here and the baud at which they are connected. These ports are configured
under the Configuration Manager's NMEA Settings menu.
The second indicator shows that the Sonar Processor is properly configured and is in the middle of
processing a ping.
The third indicator shows that SonaSoft™ is currently connected to the sonar and is awaiting data from the
sensor. It also indicates the sonar's current roll, pitch, and heading orientation relative to the earth in degrees.
This indicator may display a yellow or red status if there are problems connecting to the Transducer Module.
The Hydrophone Data display is somewhat different. It is a graphical display of hydrophone data. This
display is very useful for debugging purposes and to confirm the presence of echo sounder interference.
In this display, the waveform of a single receiver channel is shown on the left with the start of the echo's
timeseries at the far left. On the right portion of this display is a graphic of the receiver's transducer array.
Each box represents the spatial location of an individual hydrophone. Clicking on one of the boxes selects
that channel for the waveform display. Note that the four corner channels are always blank.