Lampada dentale
“alYa” lIGHt WItH JoYStICK
(see the description of parts)
turning on and off/ adjustments:
- To turn the lamp on and off, press and release the joystick lever to the left or right side.
- Adjustment:
a) to reduce light intensity, keep the joystick lever pressed to the left side (rear view of
lamp) until it reaches the desired intensity. When it reaches the minimum intensity, the
machine will beep once.
b) to raise the light intensity, keep the joystick lever pressed to the right side (rear view
of the lamp) until it reaches the desired intensity. When it reaches the maximum inten-
sity, the machine will beep twice.
the control joystick must be handled delicately to prevent breakage.
Each time the lamp is turned on, the light intensity will be at the level memorised
when it was turned off the time before.
“alYa” lIGHt WItH ProXIMItY SEnSor
(see the description of parts)
turning on and off:
- To switch on and off, move near to the sensor up to a maximum distance of 3 cm
- For
light intensity
regulation, place the hand near the sensor until desired intensity is
reached, from the maximum to the minimum level and from the minimum to the maximum
level. On reaching maximum intensity, an acoustic signal will be heard (2 beeps); there
will be 1 beep for minimum intensity.
Each time the lamp is turned on, the light intensity will be at the level memorised
when it was turned off the time before.
“alYa” DEntal lIGHt SYStEM WItH rEMotE Control
(see the description of parts)
turning on and off/ adjustments:
- To switch on/switch off the lamp, press the push-button
- Adjustment:
a) To reduce the light intensity keep the push-button
pressed, until the desired inten
sity is obtained.
When the minimum light intensity is obtained, you will hear an acoustic signal (1 beep).
b) To increase the light intensity keep the push-button
pressed, until the desired
intensity is obtained.
When the minimum light intensity is obtained, you will hear an acoustic signal (2 beeps).
c) To immediately obtain the minimum light intensity, press the push-buttons
When the minimum light intensity is obtained, you will hear an acoustic signal (1 beep).
Press the button again to restore previously selected light intensity.
Each time the lamp is turned on, the light intensity will be at the level memorised
when it was turned off the time before.