Remote management
Alarm commands
#AL2=0,TEL1, TEL2 to set alarm2 sending condition and which
numbers shall receive the message. To select the required send-
ing conditions and numbers refer to what described for the previous
#AL=? to know alarm activation condition and the associated phone
#MSGIN1=INPUT1,ON,OFF to customize alarm1 messages. Just
replace “INPUT1” with the alarm description (e.g.: DOOR) and
“,ON,OFF” with the two conditions (e.g.: “,OPEN, CLOSED”).
#MSGIN2=INPUT2,ON,OFF to customize alarm2 messages. Just re-
place “INPUT2” with the alarm description (e.g.: ROLLER SHUTTER)
and “,ON,OFF” with the two conditions (e.g.: “,OPEN,CLOSED”).
Relay commands
#ON output relay: ON (electric consumer)
#OFF output relay: OFF (electric consumer)
#MSGOUT=OUTPUT,ON,OFF to customize relay alarm message
(electric consumer). Just replace “OUTPUT” with the descrip-
tion, e.g. “IRRIGATION” and “,ON,OFF” with the two conditions
NOTE: customized description for every INPUT or OUTPUT shall not
be longer than 20 characters, whereas the one for every parameter
OPEN or CLOSED shall have max. 10 characters.
Blackout indication
#BLACKOUT=ON to set the function that in the event of blackout will
send the following SMS message: “SYSTEM POWER OFF.BLACK-
OUT!” (This SMS message could only be sent if lithium battery is
fitted, otherwise only the message for restored system power will be
sent). When system power is restored, CT3MA will send the following
SMS message:
#BLACKOUT=OFF to deactivate the function that will send SMS
message in the event of blackout.