This battery is maintenance free and checking the fluid level is not required. It is
advisable to check the charge of the battery periodically.
To remove the battery, follow these steps:
1. Remove the bolt (A) and remove the seat (B).
2. Release the rubber (C).
3. Disconnect the terminals ensuring that they do not enter into contact
with metal parts then extract the battery.
Hydrogen gas produced by the battery may explode if exposed to open
flame or sparks. Keep the area ventilated and free from naked flames.
The operating instructions for the battery are as follows:
1. Check the battery tension in open circuit status (disconnected).
2. In case the battery’s tension is below 12.60 V, or if the storage period has
exceeded 6 months, the battery has to be recharged following the in-
structions in paragraph 3.
If the battery voltage is above 12.60 V, the battery can be installed on the
vehicle without having to recharge it.
3.1 Constant voltage charge mode.
- Constant voltage = 14.40 - 14.70V
- Initial charge current = 0.1 – 0.5 Cn
- Charge duration = 6 hours minimum / 24 hours maximum.
3.2. Constant power charge mode.
- Maximum charge current = 0.1 Cn
- Recommended charging duration = 5 - 8 hours.
- The product (charge current) X (charge duration) must be within the ran-
ge: 0.5 - 0.8 Cn.
In case that a different mode of charging is used to those established
here, never exceed the maximum allowed currents nor the maximum
charge duration of 24 hours.
Not using the standard manner of charging may seriously shorten the bat-
tery life. Never exceed the standard charge.
Inverting the polarity of the battery terminals may cause battery charge
problems and cause damage to the battery system. The red terminal is po-
sitive (+) and the black terminal is negative (-).